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The character is named Hyun Cha in the official English translation. First published in Naver Webtoon, Sweet Home ran on a weekly basis on Thursdays. Its prologue was uploaded on October 12, 2017, followed by the first chapter on October 19; the webtoon ended with the uploading of its epilogue and 140th chapter on July 2, 2020.

Hyun-soo battles against Yi-hyun to defend the fetus monster and manages to knock Yi-hyun back to his normal self. Hyun-soo and Yi-hyun goes to Room 1408 to check on the monster and, to Hyun-soo's shock, discovers in its place a human-sized cocoon-like structure. Hyun-soo deduces that the thing is alive when he hears its heartbeat.
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Gyuhwan shoots one of the pillars freeing Zero an irritated 01 tries to shoot Gyuhwan but Zero uses his telekinesis to block the attacks allowing Gyuhwan to get close enough and shoots 01 directly in the chest. While here, he killed every single one of them, but was discovered by multiple agents from the MM Corporation. They viewed him as little more than a lab rat, with the exception of one woman. She was kind enough to bring him snacks, so he grew to like her, but still saw that her spirit was diseased. He decided to give her the "gift" of monsterization for her kindness. Later, the woman was discovered to have turned into a cocoon, living out her dream.

While living in their base, he was subjected to horrible abuse, one instance being a woman who used him as a punching bag to deal with her stress. This was Zero decided humanity was corrupted and proceded to kill all of the gang members. Zero seemingly wants to do the right thing, as shown when he saves the life of Gyuhwan, but he doesn't know how to go about it. This is shown when he uses excessive defense against Gyuhwan's friends and when he kills people without warning, even if they are bad people. He is also not above insulting Variants before killing them.
Prologue, Chapters 1-38
Again, I had to restart my game after I couldn’t interact with the lock on a door or the table that lead me to finding the passcode for that same lock. Luckily, when I did restart the game, I lost very little progress. It’s unfortunate how broken the game can be at times, and it detracted from the overall experience more often than not. Its use of Thai culture does give the game an interesting identity, but it has plenty of bugs that marred the overall experience. Beneath the promising concept, Home Sweet Home is as generic and bare bones as it gets for horror titles on PlayStation 4.

Playing it with PSVR might be a game-changer, but without it, expect a mediocre and pedestrian first-person adventure. With only a few cheap jump-scares and some clever space twisting, this is only for people who are desperate for some scares. Zero views Seongbin as a corrupted human and in need of purification.
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Yi-hyun wakes up in his inner monster's personality and tosses a lighter to the cocoon, setting it on fire. All monsters in the vicinity sense the destruction of the cocoon and angrily swarm to the apartment. Yi-hyun rushes to the rooftop where he apparently sees a naked woman standing on the parapet.
Home Sweet Home does an excellent job of creating a solid foundation for fear, yet overly relies on cheap jump scares to carry the horror. Despite its flaws, however, the game utilizes its gameplay strengths to create a fun survival horror game with unique Thai personality. Home Sweet Home is a worthy addition to any horror fan’s playlist and leaves us asking for more. Ji-soo goes to Room 1408 and finds Hyun-soo who is hesitant to destroy the monster-turned-cocoon. Though she also perceives it as a possible threat, Ji-soo is just as hesitant to destroy the cocoon, and reveals to Hyun-soo about Eun-hyuk and Sang-wook being locked up.
Critic Reviews
Yoo-ri, Gil-seop, Hyun-soo, and Sang-wook in a scene from Ch. On Zero's data, it is stated that he is hostile to all of the variants. Healing Factor - Zero can heal people within his range, he can only heal people if they are severely hurt or near-death but cannot heal someone if they're already dead. Gyuhwan lowers the shotgun and tells Zero to help him, so he doesn't forget him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He proceeds to save Chayeong Park from 03 by blowing its limbs apart with his powers.

It wasn't an ending at all frankly, the game just stopped when it was about to get it's ending. I had to complete the game without VR cuz of constant crashes and it felt so much better but still bad game. An intriguing horror experience with some neat ideas, but it doesn’t seem to have the muscle to make those ideas work as well as they could. It’s a short, concise experience, but it’s often interrupted by frustrating trial and error challenges that interrupt the flow with frequent checkpoint loading and rewatching cutscenes.
Soul Sight - Zero can see the colour of others' souls, which allows him to indicate the condition of souls. Also, if the creature, or thing, has a soul, he can sense where they are. Zero soon recovers and uses his telekinesis to move all of the rocks off of him, he aims his hand at Shinyeong, but Gyuhwan stands in the way telling him that she's a friend.
But while the game is commendable, its dull structure and near game-breaking bugs hampered the experience. The character is named Jay Ryu in the official English translation. The character is named Seon Ahn in the official English translation. The character is named Joon Shin in the official English translation. The character is named Seop Ahn in the official English translation. The character is named Wook Pyeon in the official English translation.
The act of stealthily walking through tunnels and searching for an exit never allowed the game to open up to something bigger, or better. The gameplay relies heavily on stealth, where players will navigate slowly between cover spots to avoid being caught by one of the game’s ghosts. One of those ghosts, a young woman who hunts the player with a box cutter, can be alerted if the player makes too much noise. The ghost is quick, but her attacks can be shaken off, which give the player a chance to find a new hiding spot. This is a game with some really good ideas and sequences, but it also make too many mistakes that could’ve been avoided quite easily.

He and the people around him start being afflicted with strange symptoms, including malevolent talking voices and nosebleeds. One night, through his video door-phone, he witnesses his girl neighbor from Room 1411 transform into a human-eating monster. He tries to blow off the other arm 01 than adds that his regeneration isn't infinite, just like Zero's. Zero is pin between two pillars each sending out three tentacles he uses his telekinesis to block these, just when Zero was about to get his skull pierced by 01, he is rescued by Gyuhwan and Shinyeong.
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Stealth gameplay lends itself well to creating moments of tension that build up to good jump scares. I enjoy those moments of terror because it feels more organic to the experience than any scripted scare can achieve. Hyun-soo extracts two bereaved children, 9-year-old Kim Soo-young and 6-year-old Kim Young-soo, in Room 1210. His return to Room 1408 is impeded by his inner monster's attempt to fully monsterize him and another monster attack, which separates him from the kids. Room 1510's Yoon Ji-soo and Room 1506's Jung Jae-heon rescue him. Soo-young and Young-soo become trapped in the midst of a fight between two monsters, but another half-monsterized woman Im Myung-sook defends the children.
Zero asks Gyuhwan if he could be his friend, which Gyuhwan agrees. Zero's first memory is waking up naked in a barren alleyway naked. While walking around outside, he was given clothes by a woman who invited him to her house. Then, her husband came in and beat her for bringing in another stray child, so Zero killed the man, which he thought was the right thing to do.
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